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Running Feedback

Page Last Updated: May 7, 2004 5:33 AM

Monday, the 5th of March marked my one year anniversary. I've been a year without a smoke. Imagine that. I celebrated with a half-day of vacation and a run around Presque Isle State Park. After work I went to the Y to help the runners' club assemble newletters. Some days just cannot be beat.
The Run
I started out early Monday, but didn't get to the Park until 8:30. Why rush a good thing? I knew I had the breath to make the run. (Funny how that can happen when you quit...) I just didn't know if I had the strength to go through with it. The weather was just a little frightful. The temperature was about 25, but the wind coming off the lake didn't help at all. It felt just a little colder. The trail had a couple of inches of snow, but much of that had been blown clear in spots. The sleet earlier had put down a bit of ice for my running enjoyment. You did know that ice is not as hard as concrete, right?
I started at the half-way point (about the 3.8 mile mark) so if I had to stop, I would have the truck handy. It also made for a great water stop. The run around the end of the park was okay until I got to Beach 11, which is where the wind picked up. I don't care for running into the wind. I knew it was coming, though, so I just toughed it out. Funny, I only saw one other runner out that way....
The water stop was a good idea. I didn't really stop, but it was a good chance to grab a drink, check my progress, and tell myself that I was nearly halfway.
The trail to the park entrance is more `common', meaning that I saw many more people on that half. Even girls. (Have I mentioned that I like girls?) This half was a little easier as well because the trees lining the trail tend to break the wind. This is a good thing.
This part of the trail is a little less even because it is concrete slab in more places and is, in general, a little older. The number of picnic tables and parking lots is higher, though.
Once I reached the gate (and the head of the trail), I decided to cross the road and come back along the lake road. Not a bad idea, but there was much more wind and the road was very icy. I went back to the trail (and shelter from the wind) at the 1 mile mark.
My total time for the whole 13.5 miles (approx) was roughly 1:40, which is not too bad for a nasty, cold half-marathon. (For those who are counting, yes I know that's a little more than half, but this is a game of approximations for now). I plan to run several real halves this summer and am now looking forward to 1:30 times for each of them.
I haven't looked at my pages in a while. Frankly I haven't wanted to. I've quit, so I have no incentive to remind myself. I am, however, taking the time now. The whole site needs cleaned up anyway.
Some of the things that quitting has done for me.
  • Repeat: I've taken up running. This year I'm running up to 17.5 miles at a time. Several halves should be fun.
  • I can still smell the girls. <G>
Of course, there is a down side.
  • What do I do with all those Marlboro Miles?
  • Camel cash is trouble, too.
  • What do I do with all those extra t-shirts?
Okay, those are not really down sides.
If you need help, you know, there is a place to go. I would be glad to offer support if you need it.
No, I'll not help you convince someone else to quit. It's something each person has to decide on his or her own.

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